♻️ Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. ♻️
Disclaimer: this information has been gathered from many different sources; is best to call the location first to confirm. Please let us know if you find incorrect information listed or if you have additional information to supplement the resources below.
www.earth911.com At this website you type in what you want to recycle and your zip code and they will list places to drop off the items. If you have something not listed below - give this web site a try.
TimeToRecycle.com According to this site it was"prepared in cooperation with the North Central Texas Council of Governments through grant funds from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality." This link takes you to is an interactive map to find places to recycle in our area.
How2Recycle.info This site allows you to find local businesses that recycle or offer recycling for residents as well as teaches you how to read an object's recycling label to so you know how to properly recycle it.
Compost Classes: Click 'find out more'
Instead of placing dog waste into a plastic bag that will take 1,000 years to degrade, or using valuable water to flush it down the toilet, consider setting up a dog waste composter.
This waste biodegrades and flows into the subsoil. It is not used as compost in garden beds. "Collect the dog waste and drop it into the hole. Sprinkle a packet of septic tank starter on top of the dog doo and add a litre or so of water. Cover the hole with the lid. Within 48 hours, the septic tank starter, which is non-caustic, and promotes natural bacterial growth will have begun its work and you can add more dog waste. You can then begin to add it daily."
Please do not hesitate to call us or email us at KFMB if you have questions. We have tried it and it does work!
After opening the spreadsheet, press "Ctrl+F" on your keyboard to find the items you are looking to recycle, and the document will show you where you can drop them off!
Recycling_Local_Website_2021_07 (xlsx)
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Mailing Address: PO Box 271774, FLOWER MOUND, TX. 75027-1774