♻️ Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. ♻️
The first step is to sign a KFMB volunteer release form (click on button - Hold Harmless Form to complete) and sign up with Track It Forward (see #4 , below). Once you have done this, send an e-mail to info@kfmb.org stating that you have completed the form and when you plan to begin volunteering.
VERY IMPORTANT: For court-ordered community service, the check-in and check-out emails described below are mandatory. We cannot verify your service hours to the court without these emails. Travel time is NOT INCLUDED in service hours unless it is pre-approved. You are expected to pick up at least one kitchen trash bag full for every two hours. If the area is not very trashy, try a different location.
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to complete the following steps. That means making sure that your phone is charged and you have good reception wherever you are picking up trash. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL RESULT IN YOUR HOURS BEING REJECTED.
1. Contact Marilyn via text, 972-900-5549, before you go out, to see if we have a specific area that needs attention. If she does not reply right away you may choose an area from the attached list or any public area IN FLOWER MOUND that you see trash.
2. WHEN YOU ARRIVE at each location, Check In by sending an EMAIL with a photo of the location to info@kfmb.org. INCLUDE YOUR NAME and "Check In" ON THE EMAIL SUBJECT LINE and tell us where you are. Photos must be in jpg or jpeg format.
3. BEFORE LEAVING, Check OUT of each location by a SEPARATE EMAIL (info@kfmb.org). Include YOUR NAME, the number of bags of trash collected and a photo of the trash collected. The photo must also show the area where you were working ( not just a photo of a bag of trash). Photos must be in jpg or jpeg format (not HEIC).
4. While still at the location enter your hours in Track It Forward. (Track It Forward has an app that can be downloaded to your phone). You can also go to our website and access it on the home page, under the "Volunteer" heading. This will be the true tracker for your hours, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you do it to ensure that we can report your hours properly. You will be required to enter the location, hours (to the nearest quarter-hour), and number of trash bags and recycle bags. For “Activity”, choose “Trash Pick Up: Community Service (court ordered)” . Enter each location separately. The direct website for the program is: www.trackitforward.com .
5. If there are no dumpsters at the location, the trash will need to be taken from the location & dropped at a location with dumpsters or taken home to be disposed of in your personal trash bin. If it is a business, get permission from the manager before using their dumpster.
6. We prefer that trash and recycles are kept in separate bags. There are usually no recycle receptacles at the sites so this will need to be taken home to put out in your recycle bin.
7. If you need a signed verification letter, contact Marilyn at kfmb@kfmb.org.
A list of locations that tend to get trashy is at the bottom of this page. This is to give you ideas of where to go. You may pick up trash anyplace as long as it is in Flower Mound.
If you go into any creek area, you should wear boots, long sleeves, long pants.
Do Not stay out after sunset.
You may pick up a grabber to use and some trash bags from Pat at Roosters Men's Grooming Center - 2500 Cross Timbers (next to La Madeleine). You will need to return the grabber when you are done completing your hours.
Also be sure to take water for drinking.
You are welcome to call Marilyn if you have questions - 469-828-9074.
Click to download the document below to find out all the possible locations to clean up.
Locations (pdf)
DownloadDownload this compact cheat sheet of instructions for court-ordered community service.
KFMB Community Service Instructions (pdf)
DownloadKeep Flower Mound Beautiful
Mailing Address: PO Box 271774, FLOWER MOUND, TX. 75027-1774